a black crow was sitting on my car Sunday morning when i came out for church...shit
6am Monday morning...up before dark...headed to the gym...it's cold as hell...today will be a long day...a long sad day...i want to make sure i'm ready...emotionally and physically...wanna make sure i get my endorphones going and my serotonin up...i wanna make sure i'm ready
last night i received a phone call...late...that there was a suicide at the high school...
the Kentucky State crisis team had been called in and also a request for me to be there as well...for the whole day... to provide grief counseling and be there for any other needs that arise during the day...
my scheduled appointments were rescheduled and with coffee in hand and a very deep breath, I opened the double doors to Woodford County High...silence and calm...few tears...mostly blank stares...shock
this very scene evokes all kinds of counter transference and personal pain...death, whether we know the person, hear it on the news, or are watching others deal with surviving after the loss drudges up our own past darkness and experiences...that deep hollow black pit we have all felt when those we have loved have left us...and then the questions...the confusing unanswerable questions...the same questions we have asked a million times and will ask a million times more...
this isn't the first time i have been in this very library watching adolescents mourn the passing of a friend...sitting in silence with innocent faces untouched by the brutal passing of anyone they have held dear until this very moment...the ones that have experienced death for the first time...they are the ones weeping...holding on to the other...looking at me with desperate eyes that scream at me for any logic behind this or answers that might make this very new and dooming feeling go away...
then there are those who have been through this before...and not just once...and not just twice...and not just three times...but many...those are the ones starring at the floor...unable to make eye contact... angry...angry.. AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNGGGGGRRRRRRRYYYY...and numb...so numb...to the dark pain of death...just angry...and shut off...because letting themselves experience that familiar pain again would be too much...so they just stop...they turn off...
they are not interested in asking me questions...they are not interested in talking...they are not interested and figuring out why...WHY????? the INFAMOUS question...the question i still ask myself about Eric although i know it can't be answered...and the question asked of me 786 times yesterday...why??? why???why???why??? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???
the truth is...no one knows why...and it sucks...and it sucks to have to give such a cliche answer to these kids...it seems like they deserve an answer right??? that God should come down and give a speech to broken and innocent children for goodness sakes...but God's not...and it is true...no one ever knows why...no one will even know why...
and to try to put logic to such an irrational act is futile...how do you explain that to kids???
and i didn't...as a matter of fact...it never crossed my mind...i was stronger than a rock... surprisingly...6 hours in machine mode...in and out of offices, comforting and consoling...sitting before groups...explaining as much as i could about normal feelings and suicide and answering any questions they might have as best i could...holding on to teachers who barely made it through the day...i was a professional to the core...and proud of it...proud that I had made it through that day untouched by that sickening feeling everyone was trying to make go away
on the way home i passed a car that looked like Erics. A black neon with a red head in the drivers seat...he waved at me...I still don't know if it was real.
I pulled over immediately right in front of the airport...i couldn't catch my breath...i sat their for 20 minutes weeping...a plane landed over my head snapping me back to my mission of getting home safely in the ice and sleet...
i pulled out Eric's memory box last night...i found notes and pictures and drawings of him kicking my boyfriend's head off as it was portrayed with Jason's head flying through the air...ha...he never really cared for him...and skateboard sketches and emblems of "the dogg pound" gang we were members of...sometimes...unless the boys were mad at me and Lesley and then we were kicked out until we made amends the next day...or five minutes later....whichever...ha
i sat down and wrote his family a letter...i don't know if i'll send it...i should get home to alabama to visit him soon...i remember exactly where he is buried...i remember everything...
i remember the four of us showed up together to the viewing...i remember how i was the first one of the group to approach his father...i remember how his father wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my should as he fell to his knees...i remember the weight of his big body holding on to my little body...i remember my friends grabbing him to help me hold him up...
i remember the last time we hung out i feel asleep on the chair and when i woke up he was upside down on the recliner...ha...
i remember that ridiculous van he bought in high school to carry all of us around in...and the one time he kissed me in his car...gross...ha...and dancing and singing together...i remember silly video after silly video we would make...i remember the skits he would put on for pep rallys and how he NEVER got in trouble because he could always weasel his way out...
i remember plans to attend Indiana Wesleyan together and driving up together...I remember one week later when he decided to go back home...packed his stuff and left me and Wes there...
i remember being so mad that he would just leave like that to head back to COTTONDALE without giving this new experience with all of us together a chance...
he always was a homebody
i remember the call reporting the car accident
i remember meeting friends in louisville to head back home to say goodbye to him leaving for the last time
i remember the man i was dating at the time trying to console me..."my mother died when i was four" he said...i was enraged...how could he even pretend to know how i felt...he didn't know Eric...he had no idea when i was going through...he was four for god's sake...and did i mention he DIDNT know Eric...i broke up with him that day
It's been seven years...god...seven whole years...sometimes it feels like yesterday
Rest In Peace My Dear Friend...
and thanks for saying hello today
1 comment:
This is great info to know.
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