Tuesday, November 20, 2007


You live your life like a tornado.
Destruction follows everywhere you go.
And you have no plans to stop or slow.

And I tried to remove myself from your path,
But I keep on waking up in the aftermath.
So I pick up again and say I won't look back.

And I will not let this bitter root grow in me.
I will not let you leave that legacy,
But this constant fight is breaking me

And every time I find healing, you're making a new mess,
And I am learning the real meaning of forgiveness.

And it hurts when you hit at the hearts of the ones I love;
When everything you touch is rubble and dust.
And it gets so hard to know how to trust,

And I could move and never send you a forwarding address,
Or I could learn the real meaning of forgiveness.

~sara groves~

Sunday, November 18, 2007

hide me

hide me from this city...from myself
take me away...to newness...to anything but now
murder the dark side of me
"what's wrong?...is he dead?...did he die?...is he alive?

am I?

take me back for a moment to my grandfather's church... right over the bridge in pecan grove
let me sit with no fear of life or me
let me curl up on the front pew and hear him whisper scriptures and prayers
kneeled reverently before this God my family believes heals sickness and families and broken people...
where is the healing? damn it...where?

can I just be?... with no fear of tomorrow
or what is happening right now
there is a hole in my chest i can't seem to repair
always trying to repair

i do...i keep trying to get better...i swear to god i do...i keep trying to get stronger...
i keep trying

Sunday, November 11, 2007

the grass is always greener

i have now become the guarded and compartmentalized individual that i used to fight for...and against...and it actually makes me feel quite a bit stronger...I suppose that's why other's do it too...i never really got it until now...there is certainly a freedom in keeping others at a distance, specifically men...you may miss the emotional fun of it all, including butterflies and breath taking moments...but at this point...it sure beats the fear of another potential disappointment...

i can't tell you that i believe in love anymore...not the kind that lasts forever anyway, nor can i tell you i will or won't believe in it next year or the year after or a decade from now...

i certainly won't make such strong statements of what i "know" to be true as so many past black and white beliefs have now completely swapped places or turned to gray. Better said, i have found that i can not confidently trust my emotions, thoughts or confidences in a moment or month or possibly years, as so many "certainties" have caused me confusion and grief soon after such "clarity"...

my mentality regarding love changes as frequently and dramatically as Kentucky weather...therefore forcing me to fall back on my own experiences and reality...

THAT being: you're one lucky son of a bitch if you find it...true love i mean...the kind that doesn't change who you are but certainly makes you appreciate and love everyone around you deeper because of the love and trust you find in someone else...the beautiful kind that you hear about when one aged lover passes into the next life and the other soon follows...the committed kind...the "no-deal breaker" kind...the peace, even after a disagreement kind because you know the other will still be there when you wake up

I've come to realize that loneliness is not so bad though...in the moment it's quite swallowing and violent...particularly at night when my bed feels like an ocean full of only me...or the daily out of the blue moments that i find gloriously romantic ... but typically purposefully avoid as it only leads to a deep dull pain in between my breasts...and a lump in my throat that i'm quite sure anyone looking at me in that long moment could notice

but what i have found is that loneliness never stays to long, thankfully...it never really lingers...i just feel a bit emotionally tired the few days after...like getting over a terrible stomach flu that only lasts for a day...and the following days of mental and physical thankfulness that it's over and recovery...

i can think of much worst emotions than loneliness...one being guilt

i'm not ready for a relationship...nor can i imagine wading through my issues at this point with another man...or talking and processing and talking and processing and talking and processing through another love and hurt with exhausted friends and exhausted me...i have found power in not talking about pain or emotions...it helps it go away quicker...seem unimportant...or silly even

i fear i would immediately sabotage...I KNOW I would immediately sabotage...possibly purposefully...possibly neurotically...possibly angrily...but absolutely 100% ruined before someone even approaches me...i could not put that baggage on anyone...I would feel selfish and guilty to lay my still sensitive scars of 3 years of "love and loss" in a man's lap in hopes that he would quite possibly know what to do with it all...considering at times i have no idea myself...it would be a lot like asking someone to carry around an egg in their pocket for a whole week...no wait...a day... without breaking it

my mother, whose only desire is to be my "mother" again, tells me "God's just preparing your heart for the right one"...and while i appreciate the optimism and hope and faith i hear in her voice...i can't help but recognize that with each year of my life and each romantic experience with a man, i have become more closed off and possibly less healthy and most definitely unready...i wonder how that's all gonna work out? siiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhh

but it will i'm told...and i guess maybe half of me believes that...that in 10 years i will be in a nice home worrying about when i'm gonna have time to do laundry for my family in between work and mini van rides to sporting events...wow...that was weird...

but at least by then i'd know my place in life...because the comfort of being young and married certainly gives you passage into the staple American lifestyle...and no one questions just what's wrong with you to be almost 30 and unmarried...because you can now check the box to the next only acceptable life stage after graduate school...

...there has to be some sort of satisfying emotional developmental security in that young married stage of life...much like knowing your role as a child, teenager, college student, married parent, or grandparent...but floundering around out here in the "late 20's and still single" stage...is quite discontenting at times...especially living in the south

and then there's always that fear in the back of all uncertain women's minds that they will soon turn into the fun single aunt that takes the nieces and nephews to the mall to meet up with their boyfriend/girlfriend or has a house full of creepy cats to keep the loneliness away.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gooooooodddd

but then there are the redeeming singlehood moments when i get calls from married friends of mine jealous over my latest love affair or even hang over...as it represents freedom and lack of commitment and acceptable selfishness of not having to answer to anyone and only pleasing oneself

reminding me that there are a lot of freeing things about being a single young professional...i just wish the rest of bible belt world would understand or recognize that... without patting me on the shoulder with a sympathetic nod, trying to reassure me that "you'll find someone soon, honey"... when what they are really saying is "oh you poor poor pathetic girl that know one really wants...i'm sure there's another old lonely person out there that's left with no other options either...and you'll soon find each other"...

thanks...uuuummm i guess...GEEEEEZZZZZ...only making me think..."well friends and loved ones, i'll be catching a plane to new york city or L.A now, where it's perfectly acceptable to be a late 20's single woman...here, i will throw myself into an unfulfilling career and make lots of money so i can afford to follow the trend of adopting a child to make everyone back home except me as powerful, respected, and nurturing woman"...

by the way, the adopting a kid move definitely throws you into an acceptable life stage

ahhhhh well...i suppose the grass is always greener...